Privacy policy

We welcome your interest in our website. Protecting your privacy is very important to us. In the following you will find information about how we handle your data.


Storage of access data in server logs

You can visit our pages without having to enter your personal data. We only save access data in so-called server logs, e.g. the names of the data requested, the date and time of the request, the amount of data transferred and the provider attempting to access. This data is only used to ensure that the website works smoothly and to improve our offer. They do not enable you to be identified.


Collection and use of data for the execution of the contract and for creating a customer account

We would like to inform you that the personal data provided in connection with registration and shopping on the site is collected and processed by the owner of the site, Coach Jadwiga Krzywicka, who is the administrator of this personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2002, No. 101, item 926 as amended).

We collect personal data for which you have given us voluntary consent as part of an order, by contacting us (e.g. via a contact form or email) or when creating an account. The individual fields on the form indicate which data will be collected. We use the data you provide for the execution of the Contract and the processing of your questions. After the completion of the subject of the Agreement or the termination of your account, your data will be saved for further use. This data is deleted after the expiry of the retention periods prescribed by tax and commercial law, unless you expressly agree to the further use of your data or there is a legally permissible reservation of the right to further use on our part, of which we hereby inform you. Closing your account is possible at any time. To close your customer account, please send a message to the contact address.


Transfer of data for contract performance

For the purpose of fulfilling the Contract, we pass on your data to the delivery company to which we subcontract delivery, if this is required for the delivery of the ordered goods. For the purpose of processing delivery-related payments, we pass on the necessary payment data to the relevant credit institution liable for payment; alternatively, we pass on your data to the payment service provider to whom we subcontract payment processing or to the payment service provider selected by you during the ordering process.


Use of data when subscribing to the e-mail newsletter

When you sign up for our newsletter, we use the necessary data you provide for this or separately provided by you in order to be able to send you our email newsletter on a regular basis. Unsubscribing from the newsletter is possible at any time. To unsubscribe from the newsletter, please send a message to the contact address or use the specially provided link in the newsletter.


Use of data for postal advertising and right of objection

We hereby reserve the right to save your name, postal address and - insofar as we have obtained such additional data from you within the scope of the contractual relationship - your title, academic title, year of birth and a description of your branch, business or profession for our own advertising purposes, e.g. to send you interesting offers and information about our products by post. You may object to the recording and use of your data for these purposes at any time. To object to such use of your data, please send a message to the contact address.


Use of "cookies"

In order to make your visit to our website more attractive and to enable you to use certain functions on various pages, we use so-called "cookies". These are small text files that are stored on your device. Some of the cookies we use are deleted at the end of the respective browser session, i.e. when you close your browser (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your device and allow us to recognise your browser on your next visit (so-called persistent cookies). You can change the settings of your browser so that it informs you of the use of cookies and decides each time they are stored, or deactivate the storage of cookies in some cases or completely. If you do not agree to the storing of cookies, this may restrict the functioning of our website.

Use of Google Analytics for page view analysis

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies" - text files which are stored on your computer and which make it possible to analyse your use of our website. The information collected by the cookie about your use of our website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and saved there. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened in advance by Google within Member States of the European Union and other signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transferred to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. The IP address anonymisation option is enabled on this website. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services relating to website and internet usage to the website operator.

The IP address provided by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not stored with other data from Google. You can prevent cookies from being stored by adjusting your browser settings accordingly. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to make full use of all the functions on this website. You can also prevent the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) from being stored by Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:


Right to receive information and contact details

You have the right to receive, free of charge, information about the data we have collected about you. You also have the right to amend, block or delete this data. If you have any questions about the collection, processing and use of your personal data, or if you would like to request access to your information, amend, block or delete it, or if you would like to revoke your consent or object to a specific use of your data, please contact us directly.


Jadwiga Krzywicka 

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